Let us help

Macdonald & Weston

Invercargill Funeral Home & Funeral Directors

In one of the most difficult and sorrowful times, the team at Macdonald and Weston are here to provide a final farewell that is befitting of your loved one. Don’t let the stress and fear of organising a service stop you from saying a proper and fitting goodbye. Sharron and the team wish to provide a farewell as unique as the person you’re saying goodbye to and will take care of all the details with integrity, compassion, and kindness..

MW Funerals Staff

Our Team

Locally owned and locally operated, Macdonald & Weston Funeral Home has had a long standing history in Invercargill and Southland which goes back to 1881 when the original company of Kingsland and Ferguson Ltd was first founded.

Our promise to you

Integrity, Compassion, Kindness

Our Services

Every service we offer comes with a firm commitment – our cornerstone values of Integrity, Compassion, and Kindness.

Macdonald & Weston location

Recent Articles

The Macdonald & Weston Family Grows

Our Macdonald & Weston family continues to grow as today we officially welcome Rob Hall into our awesome team. Rob comes to Macdonald and Weston with a long-standing connection to the local Eastern Southland community, having been born, raised, and worked in the Edendale / Wyndham districts, and for the last 21 years.


We also welcome Raylene into our Macdonald & Weston family. Raylene has been employed for the past 19 years at Invercargill City Council, most of which was at the Eastern Cemetery and Southland Crematorium. Earlier this year after an illness within her family Raylene decided the time had come to make a change and accepted the role of Administrator at Macdonald & Weston Funeral Home. Her inside knowledge will be invaluable.



Macdonald & Weston`s Centennial

Celebrating Macdonald & Weston Funeral Home`s 100 Year Centennial.

100 years ago Kingsland & Ferguson became the Macdonald & Weston we know today, J. T Macdonald and H.P Weston placed an ad in the Southland Times on 9th August 1923 notifying the public of the change of ownership and officially promoted as Macdonald & Weston Funeral Home in January 1924. A lot has changed in 100 years, the phone number back then was simply 126.
The original company of Kingsland & Ferguson Ltd was founded in 1881 by Henry Kingsland, who was joined by William Ferguson and they continued to operate until 1910 when it was purchased by John Hays Pay and John Edward Taylor both employees of the original firm, and continued to operate as Kingsland & Ferguson until 1924 when the Macdonald & Weston was officially changed. The first manager of Macdonald & Weston Ltd was James Taylor Macdonald who died in 1945, who was followed by H. P. Weston until his death in 1956.

Thankfully some things never change, we still offer the same care and compassion that they did back then. Our motto for many years now has been Integrity, Compassion and Kindness, something we hold dear and use in our day to day life. We always strive to be different to other Funeral Homes, for us creating a unique and individual farewell to your loved one is our greatest wish.

For over 130 years Macdonald & Weston Funeral Home has provided a professional service to the public of Southland and the city of Invercargill and has always endeavoured to keep pace with the changing times with first-class premises, modern vehicles and equipment and respectful, compassionate and caring service to the public.

We are going to have an Open Day on 17th March 2024, so mark the date on your calendar. Our last Open Day was a huge success with over 300 people through in 3 hours, our only negative comment was after the event was that some had missed that opportunity to “peek behind the curtains” and get more information. We are still in the process of working out the logistics, so keep an eye on this spot for future updates.